Chancellor of Vanderbilt University got paid $1.4mil
送交者: 2cents 于 2006-10-01, 22:21:35:
回答: presidents get much more than $200k 由 xys1234 于 2006-10-01, 20:33:40:
E. Gordon Gee, Chancellor of Vanderbilt University has been able to raise over one billion dollars for the school and has increased its academic standing. He receives $1.4 million in salary, which is one of the highest salaries of University Presidents. The university paid over $6 million to renovate the house in which Gee and his wife live and spend close to $1 million to fund parties and pay for their chef. Now a board subcommittee has been formed to oversee Gee's spending and a second committee has been formed to
investigate possible conflicts of interest. (Sept. 26, 2006, wall Street Journal, page A1)