I kinda dis-agree with U about "没有自家藏武器的传统"
送交者: low 于 2007-01-08, 14:20:47:
回答: 大唐百姓武装起义的阈值太高,而且对青天大老爷心存幻想 由 蓝隼 于 2007-01-08, 13:59:26:
It's not about 没有自家藏武器的传统, it is the Chinese want to 自家藏武器, but the authority do not allow them. During Ming/Qing, if you make weapons privately, your head is most likely sepated from your body. So, there have never been private weapon makers in China to my knowledge (maybe it's just me). But if you look back at Japan, the situation is totally different, sword making has a great tradition, it's not banned, but promoted like an art.