送交者: 田牛 于 2006-2-21, 21:19:09:
谁能找到the Letter to Lu Gang's family by Anne Cleary's brothers? 要英文的。
一、associate vice president for academic affairs and professor of education能不能翻译成“这所学校的副校长”?
二、学校说:Her brothers held a press conference immediately after her funeral Monday (11-04-1991)morning urging forgiveness, and stated that they would be sending a letter to Lu Gang's family to tell them that they shared their sorrow.小潘说:“1991年11月4日,爱荷华大学的28000名师生全体停课一天,为安·柯莱瑞举行了葬礼。也就是这一天,柯莱瑞的兄弟们强忍无限悲痛,以极大的爱心宣读了一封致卢刚家人的书信”。