送交者: fuzzify 于 2007-03-04, 00:11:17:
回答: 美國忘恩負義,法國以德報怨. 由 唐好色 于 2007-03-03, 21:43:10:
(1775~83) War that won political independence for 13 of Britain's North American colonies, which formed the United States of America. After the end of the costly French and Indian War (1763), Britain imposed new taxes (see Stamp Act; Sugar Act) and trade restrictions on the colonies, fueling growing resentment and strengthening the colonists' objection to their lack of representation in the British Parliament.
法國不計前嫌?如果不計前嫌,法国应该帮英国才对呀,法国在French and Indian War中输给英国,丢了不少殖民地。