送交者: skipper3 于 2006-3-03, 23:21:23:
回答: 不见得清庭非得和义和团联成一线。 由 steven 于 2006-3-03, 22:03:07:
It's WenKe anyway. To generalize a grassroots movement is over simplification you know that. When there is chaos there are always various sort of political groups with all kinds of agendas and goals. Who is to tell there is no genuine patriotic political group who were willing to defend Chinese interests with their own lives but now were all under a big category called "boxer"? Is everyone labeled as boxer a mobster? Can anyone be sure that violent clashes between locals and foreigners were all caused by difference in culture, religion and identity not because of conflict of interests? Were the lines between interest groups at that time defined as simply as “foreign” and “local”? See American fought a bloody war with Brits over tea for god’s sake. After all they (including a lot of criminals and mobsters) refused to “play by rule”, rules made by the Brits, which was pretty much the “recognized international law” at that time.
Anyway, neither side are seriously interested in digging out the truth but all are pretending they have it. As for Yuan, using strange analogy (wolf milk) in a serious discussion that has profound political implication is utterly irresponsible and unprofessional.