送交者: 田牛 于 2006-4-06, 01:07:05:
回答: 《方励之逃美使馆实录》有不实之处 由 田牛 于 2006-4-06, 00:50:14:
Ray and I had enjoyable reminiscences. He recalled my pretending to be his lawyer in a beef he had with a restaurant over being fired. Unfortunately, I failed to bring that event to a satisfactory conclusion, which may be why I don’t remember it.
He had done well since then. As an ambassador, one of his finest moments was giving sanctuary to a Chinese dissident during the uprising at Tiananmen Square. That dissident was taken to the embassy in a van driving through gunfire and turbulence. Burghardt visited him daily for more than a year.
The dissident, his wife and two children eventually settled in the United States. Now Dr. Fang Lizhi teaches at the University of Arizona. Burghardt told me that his daily chats with Lizhi may have been the most complete experience of his life, like speaking with Einstein.