送交者: 田牛 于 2006-4-06, 01:44:11:
回答: 《方励之逃美使馆实录》有不实之处 由 田牛 于 2006-4-06, 00:50:14:
这一段也有疑问,“有一次,美国的泰德.肯尼迪参议员委派一个叫希尔的人来见方励之,要发给他罗伯特.肯尼迪人权奖章。李洁明不但同意让两人暗中会面,还让方有充足的时间写出发言稿,让希尔带走。 ”
While the Scowcroft-Eagleburger missions overshadowed other administration efforts to ignore human rights issues, there are several other aspects of the administration's policy which deserve condemnation. For example, the State Department attempted to persuade the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial foundation not to give its annual human rights award to Professor Fang Lizhi. According to Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the chair of the memorial board, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Richard Solomon asked that the award not be presented to Fang, stating that negotiations with the Chinese on Fang's release were at a "very delicate stage." Townsend said that the State Department was "not very helpful," because the award called attention to Fang's presence in the U.S. embassy -- a source of extreme irritation to the Chinese authorities which the Bush administration hoped to minimize.