我也不大相信海上搜寻拿的那个水下麦克风主要是给潜水员手持用的。16k USD,有多少潜水员买得起?
False alarm issued by the Chinese government and its reporter trying to show off. Instead it showed their weakness. From the Chinese reporter's video, I noticed a Chinese man on a rubber boat holding a Teledyne Benthos made pinger locator device similar to "Benthos DPL-275 diver hand-held pinger locator" with a yard-long stick. The locator was just few inches below the water surface. He tried to locate a black box which could be 2.5 miles below the surface. Benthos pinger locator is made for divers to communicate or to rescue purpose. It was a joke to use it to locate the black box. Teledyne Benthos is US company in North Falmouth, Massachusetts. They make excellent marine products.