“Chief Scientist” 翻译成中文?
送交者: 学州神人 于 2005-1-14, 14:29:17:
应该是“首席科学家” 但我看到国内把” principal investigator” 也翻译成“首席科学家” 。Quite confused.
In order to avoid confusion, I wish to translate “Chief Scientist” to “科学总监” 或者“科技总监” 。 Any better option?
Please help and advice.
Thank you for your time and help.
- 确实是“首席科学家” - liwei999999 (768 bytes) 2005-1-15, 01:12:17
- CXO - liwei999999 (575 bytes) 2005-1-15, 01:28:31
- 把 scientist 翻成科学家是不是过分? - Enlighten (156 bytes) 2005-1-14, 17:01:41
- Also, what if a company has many Chief Scientists? - solar (55 bytes) 2005-1-14, 16:56:49
- 主任研究员 - 四等秀才 (0 bytes) 2005-1-14, 16:56:12
- 这个比较符合本意 - Enlighten (0 bytes) 2005-1-14, 17:03:34
- 项目负责人 - JZ (0 bytes) 2005-1-14, 16:37:30
- “主任科学家”如何? - Enlighten (0 bytes) 2005-1-14, 16:17:36
- principal investigator is not 首席科学家, Chief Scientist neither - 008 (0 bytes) 2005-1-14, 15:55:20
- Zong 科学 Gong ZUo Zhe - HunHunSheng (0 bytes) 2005-1-14, 14:35:18