送交者: 羽矢 于 2013-09-14, 12:03:30:
回答: 弱智如白字秀才者都不相信“NIH撤销试验是因肖氏手术安全无忧效果奇佳” 由 羽矢 于 2013-09-14, 09:10:49:
你所谓的“但NIH不是停止支持肖氏术研究,而是转为更高一层的Assess the level of improvement ,全面总结评估这个手术。 ”
因为NIH停止NCT01096459的研究,虽然把经费继续用于NCT00378664的长期观察上了,但是,并不存在你所谓的“转为更高一层的Assess the level of improvement ,全面总结评估这个手术。”
因为,NCT00378664研究,早在NCT01096459这个研究存在前,就已经进行你所谓的assess the level of improvement,以及你所谓的‘全面总结评估’,不存在NIH把本来用于NCT01096459研究的经费转到NCT00378664研究上,进一步扩大NCT0037866的研究。因为NCT0037866的研究没有任何扩大1
事实上,NCT01096459这个研究的本来设计,是保护你所谓的“更高一层的Assess the level of improvement ,全面总结评估这个手术”,如NCT01096459研究在2012年3月份前,是包含如下的次要目标的:
Secondary outcome Measure: Transfer of knowledge to other personnel to learn the procedure
Time Frame: Two years
Safety Issue? Yes
Transfer of knowledge will be measured by comparing the following primary and secondary outcome measures across centers.
a. Global response assessment for voiding, defecation, and QOL
b. Percent voided/percent catheterized
c. Presence of detrusor sphincter dysynergia
d. Presence of urge incontinence
e. Presence of stress incontinence
f. Change in incontinence severity quantified by pad weights
g. Need for intermittent catheterization
h. Change in anal manometry
i. Change in bowel function
j. Change in quality of life
k. Goal Achievement
l. Adverse events
ClinicalTrials Identifier: NCT00378664
Updated: 2008_04_14
Primary outcome Measure: Assess the level of improvement in voiding function after lumbar to sacral ventral nerve re-routing procedure in SCI and spina bifida patients.
Time Frame: evaluated at 6 months and 1 year
Safety Issue? No
Secondary outcome Measure: Assess the effect of lumbar to sacral ventral the nerve re-routing on bowel function in SCI and spina bifida patients
Time Frame: evaluated at 6 month and 1 year visit
Safety Issue? No
Secondary outcome Measure: Assess the effect of the lumbar to sacral ventral nerve re-routing on health related quality of life in SCI and spina bifida patients
Time Frame: evaluate at 6 month and 1 year
Safety Issue? No
Secondary outcome Measure: Assess the effect of the lumbar to sacral ventral nerve re-routing on ability to perform activities of daily living in SCI and spina bifida patients
Time Frame: evaluate at 6 month and 1 year visit
Safety Issue? No
Secondary outcome Measure: Assess the effect of the lumbar to sacral ventral nerve re-routing on sexual function in SCI patients 18 years of age and older
Time Frame: evaluate at 6 months and 1 year
Safety Issue? No
如果[designated as safety issue: no]表示手术安全已经得到认可,没有问题,所以没有必要再观察手术安全性方面的问题了,那么,为何同样的研究者,在2007年的研究的protocol说[designated as safety issue: no],而在2010年研究的protocol中反而说[designated as safety issue: yes]?