送交者: ASH 于 2013-09-17, 17:20:20:
回答: The NY stat is more ludicrous 由 qm 于 2013-09-17, 16:08:29:
Your other argument that mass shootings only occur in gun free zones has been proven wrong by Steven.
Conclusion: there is no evidence to support the idea that loose gun laws reduce crimes. As for your belief in your right to own a gun, it's your freedom according to the 2nd amendment, but don't rationalize it with the discredited evidence and bogus NRA talking points.
In fact the reason why Chicago's strict gun law failed to reduce gun violence is simple: gun crimes were mostly committed by gangsters who already know that their opponents have concealed carry, and they can easily get guns from states with loose gun laws.
In this regard you guys who advocate for more easy access to guns are advocating murders.