送交者: sssa 于 2005-5-28, 13:58:33:
回答: 谢谢各位. 自从妈妈得病以后 由 harper 于 2005-5-28, 09:16:23:
First, I am not a doctor and knows very little about 医. all my suggestions are based on personal experience.
1. buy a book on the cancer if you have not done so. Understand the common
(治疗) scenarios.
1. buy a camcorder if you don't have one yet.
2. In China, stage 2: somehow early stage. try 治 hao.
stage 3: 晚期 try 治 the to control the 病itself, 3, 4 for
stage 4: 很晚期 try to control the complex reactions caused by the 病.
3. split the 一个月 into two 2-week trips.
4. as I said, make some excuses now and make your future trips natural.
You can even tell her your will get some extra money for the "business" trips.
Make some fake business calls before her when you are in China. Also ask your
friends to make "business" calls to you.
5. If necessary, tell the same story to your relatives. otherwise they may leak
the secret inadvertently (spell?).