送交者: mirror 于 2005-6-21, 02:51:03:
回答: 奇怪,镜子这回怎么忘了用引号了?:) 由 啊撒 于 2005-6-21, 01:47:55:
洋码、汉码的整了一堆,还整出来个“负温度”漏一手。但是的但是,洋洋的洋码一堆:Temeperature is a thermodynamic property, by saying thermodynamic property, we mean this is a property associated with an ensemble of particles, not like properties of mass, charge, velocity that can be associated with an individual particle. 比起镜某的“能想象到跟压力差不多就很好了”有什么差别么?镜某不识字、外加“民科”,不知道这“压力”是不是等于“a thermodynamic property”。是、否,就两个字,无须他言。