social security and elderly healthcare are world headaches


送交者: kma 于 2023-02-09, 14:46:28:

回答: 社保医保再不改革就没机会了 由 我是西尔斯 于 2023-02-09, 08:32:56:

no easy solutions.

covid "solved" lots of that issue, sad reality.

wang feng wrote good one, i used to think wang is just like most socalled demographers and economists.

as i said before, promoting birth rate to solve population "crisis" is typical ponzi scheme. an elementary student can easily point out:

what about those youngs turn into elderly?

in the end, as covid showed, just like thousands years ago or animal world, still resolve to mother nature to fix the problem.

if there is really any consolation coming out of covid, it is africa, a continent used to suffer most in any humanity crisis, seemed ok.



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