Defeat China, start with russia


送交者: kma 于 2023-03-03, 11:32:42:

回答: 邓发动越南战争孤立苏联从美国得到了不少好处 没看出来现在站在俄罗斯一边有什么好处 由 conner 于 2023-02-27, 21:08:55:

That’s title of one foreign policy article, author argues with those who think America should be soft on Russia, focus on China instead.

His point: if Europe not even tough on Russia, no chance they do on China.

Every1 with common sense would see that Ukraine is a warmup race for TW. Format would be basically same:

TW would never use force on China first, just like Ukraine. They simply want to separate, democracy vs dictatator.

That’s why west most time would use that tone talking about Ukraine, easy fro copying on TW. Only on occasions with un, with third world, they change to tone about sovereignty. When they do TW, it will be messy to explain to developing world.

Anyway, the bottom line: to even Tuzla focus on China, defeat Russia first. Vice versa, to avoid TW into Ukraine, Russia can’t lose.



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