You are confused


送交者: Enlighten 于 2005-1-17, 16:12:25:

回答: there you go again 由 apate 于 2005-1-17, 15:56:22:

Let me make it clear:
1) Ms. Wang claims it's not "fair" if we only think about maximizing our own (human race's) welfare. She also says that the existence of many things in nature has its "purposes" other than serving the man kind.
2) I am strongly against her argument of "fairness" and "purpose". I don't believe there's any point of speaking about fairness and purpose in nature.
3) You then raised the issue of moral, blah, blah. and good vs. right.
4) That's when I said whatever is good for human race is right.
5) To sum it up, it is very dumn to speak about fairness and purpose of the nature,as well as moral when the topic is man kind vs. nature. And if you have to bring the issue of moral, and good vs. right, then all I can say is if it's good for human, it's right.
6) Emphsis: I'm talking about man kind or human race as a whole vs. nature. That's what the dispute between Fang and Ms. Wang has always been about.



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