Collapse of Denmark,s eriksen was scary, yet fortunately it happened at a rather non crucial moment, both sides and referee could have time to stop and check him.
Wat if it happened today? In both euro and copa America, 2 matches all saw scoring when attacking team had 1 player seemingly badly injured, yet teammates focused on continuing play.
And opponents who conceded the goals? They might cry foul and say we got distracted , if we were cold hearted (the attacking team didn't even care their own, why should we?) we might not allow the goal!
This would be very bad for future eriksens. It is rare players have heart attacks playing, but when it does, it is extremely dangerous. There was tragedy before.
And faking injuries were so popular now (in fact ma terms learn bad examples today, faking injury to induce confusions in opponents to gain advantages),so we fans should forgive players seemingly cold hearted,
but referees can,t be excused, that is why they need some med training, at least sensing danger immediately, heart attack needs every sec one can find.