current pandemic illustrates best the huge class divide


送交者: kma 于 2021-06-18, 12:29:13:

回答: more population to fix aging is typical ponzi scheme 由 kma 于 2021-06-18, 11:25:10:

basically every1 who can work from home is at least middle income, enough to support a decent live.

i cna imagine many things about future, but 1 is beyond me:

how can create such maasive number of middle class jobs for majority of us? 10 billion!?

at least our ancestors 100-300 yrs ago could have imagined a little bit about nowadays, what kind of jobs be like, car driver instead of horse rider, computer engineers instead of notebook keeper...

1 way is to cut down working hours, 4 day a week, still not enough.

we simply already have too much population. if we really beleive in each of us created equal, we have to limit our numbers.



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