送交者: jiangzhaiwai 于 2005-6-24, 00:39:06:
回答: 但是我的地段好,宁愿长期持有,不愿意出卖呢? 由 老中一号 于 2005-6-23, 20:25:49:
whether you are in the majority. in hawaii there used to be very few big land owners that owned almost all of the private land. everybody else had to lease land from them to build because the land owners would not sell. eventually the state government forced all developments above 5 acres to sell their titles to the homeowners if the homeowners so do desire. it was ruled constitutional by the supreme court. that is the case cited in today's ruling. even justice thomas said today that was OKay because the government was playing a regulatory role. bottom line is the majority eventually gets what they want in a functioning democracy, whether through tax or eminent domain. the legal system just makes it a more orderly process.