送交者: skipper3 于 2005-6-24, 16:39:40:
回答: 看不懂你想说什么。 由 老中一号 于 2005-6-24, 16:26:20:
It's simple: Are there enough medical practicioners who are able to deliver a specific type of medicare service to fully satisfy the demand from pacients. If yes, these group of doctors don't deserve a higher pay. If no they do deserve a higher pay. The author needs to provide some number, for example the number treatment demanded, number of treatment delivered, number of doctors available, number of treatment procedure each doctor is able to perform etc.
The author already recognized that not all medical school graduates can become a doctor. The reason could just be there are not enough hospitals, or they are not willing to serve in low income regions. It would be interesting if he dug deeper and tried to come up with some explaination. It would eb even nicer if he could recommend a solution.