送交者: skipper3 于 2005-8-16, 15:32:58:
回答: 事情的真相不一定如你所说。 由 小鱼儿 于 2005-8-16, 13:19:43:
standard to begin with. I don't see there is such a standard in China today. Determining who is a good journalist by peer review won't work when "speaking for the poor and less privileged" is still widely conisdered the best value one can get from this profession.
Being able to report the truth and the whole truth is extremely difficult. A mediocre reporter is able to report facts and maybe even partial truth but a big cow reporter is capable of communicating a lot more to his audiences. It requires a lot of quality professional training and experience. I don't see Chinese journalists have opportunity to receive such training and experience.