送交者: steven 于 2005-8-22, 13:36:40:
回答: 纽时不动声色又煽了智能设计论一嘴巴 由 虎子 于 2005-8-22, 12:47:11:
The battleground of I.D is not at the scientific community. I.D didn't even try to go there, they couldn't even if they tried. The battleground of I.D is at local school board. Americans enjoy religious freedom, and people may believe whatever they want to. Therefore, I.D will not go away, and they probably shouldn't be removed. However, people with proper scientific background should do more monitoring the local school board, write, speak out in the board meeting, or even bring law sues. As long as I.D is not on our childerns' scientific textbook, who care what I.D says.