送交者: Fuzzlogic 于 2005-10-16, 23:47:14:
钱学森回归50年 右看:美蒋共弃 天将投匪
我们在此岸,感受十分杂,因为与中华民国同寿的钱学森是掳获所有黑黄肤人心神的一阙传奇。他24岁负笈美国,在空气动力学取得突破性的进展,为美国40 年代研对地飞弹和控空火箭奠定了理论基础,因而入列为美国空军上校,但是政府的肯定仍不能平社会的种族歧视,他在顶级的加州理工学院工作却不能迁入邻近顶级的住宅区,甚至在韩战爆发後,麦卡锡主义席全美,反共演为歇斯底的恐共、恐华,锋镝所及,这个中国人俨然有了匪谍的嫌疑,逼人不得不走。而中国正朔的国民党政府却不闻不问,1955年10月8日,弃民钱学森辗转回到红色中国了。
Mr. Qan Xueshen is our national hero. In the US, there is the Benjamin Franklin. In Germany, they have Einstein. In UK, they have sir Isaac Newton.
In China, we have Qan Xueshen.
Thirty years later, when our childern look back at our history in space exploration, I am sure they would say that our country is so much blessed with a man of his caliber and of his patriotism. When Mr. Qan returned to
China, then US navy secretary once said that this man is worth 3 division any place. I say, please, don't insult our great scientist. He is worth the entire US navy.
During this time of greatness, I think we should really think about the father of our space program, the father of our missile, and the father of many other things. He is blessed man for sure, with so much gift, and he is blessed man also for the fact that he is still alive to witness the fruit of his life effort.
His name should be remembed forever.