送交者: skipper3 于 2005-10-19, 08:43:35:
回答: 透明国际清廉指数2005排行,中国位居 由 最绿的青蛙 于 2005-10-18, 20:54:11:
index not a measurement against a universally accepted empirical standard.
The index is a measurement of perception not fact. If Chinese in the mainland is less tolerant towards certain corruptive conduct listed in the survery, compared to people in Taiwan, CPI would be lower for the mainland, even the when frequencies of such conduct are about the same in both regions. And vice versa. The result is also affected by how frequent the media reports corruption cases. Higher frequency of media exposure is likely to lead to a lower CPI.
Based on my limited interaction with Indian people, I got a sense that Indians probably are not as Ji E Ru Chou towards corruption and lack of transparency as Chinese are. If this sense reflects the reality, India would be more corrupted perceived by Chinese than its CPI indicates.