送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2005-10-24, 15:57:36:
1. Ad Hominem Fallacy
2. Fallacy of False Cause
3. Straw Man Fallacy
4. Appeal to Ignorance
5. Appeal To Emotion
6. Slippery Slope
7. Fallacy of Equivocation
8. Appeal to Popularity
9. Appeal to Tradition
1. Ad Hominem Fallacy
LATINNO2 say cons of disposable chosticks are
trying to make peasants who grow bamboo poor
2. Fallacy of False Cause
ENLIGHTEN's claim that cannabalism caused disease
3. Straw Man Fallacy
LATINO's misrepesent my "4 times a week" as
"4 times a day" and then say exercise is harmful
4. Appeal to Ignorance
LATINO2 say FAGUS is a virgin so his views
about how to feed a baby must be wrong
5. Appeal To Emotion
LATINO2 use of poverty in Nu Jiang as
a reason that Nu Jiang must be developped
6. Slippery Slope
LATINO2 say if dog meat is forbidden to eat, then
oen day all meat will be not allowed.
7. Fallacy of Equivocation
8. Appeal to Popularity
Because everyone here is addictted to sex, so
ENLIGHTEN use that to argue abstinence
9. Appeal to Tradition
Because Qin-ren has a bad tradtion to eat dog meat,
so LATINO use that to counter those who oppose eating dog meat