送交者: coubert 于 2005-10-27, 14:06:31:
复旦大学毕业生, 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校博士, 美国加州大学 Santa Babara分校教授Liu Xudong 不幸去世. 作为他多年的朋友, 我们非常悲痛. 现发表刘教授的朋友台湾静宜大学林吉田教授两小时前来的邮件如下.
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 14:35:03 +0800 (CST)
From: "[Big5] Chi-Tien Lin
Subject: Xu-Dong has left us
Dear all,
With great sorrow, I am sharing the following sad news with you: Professor Xudong Liu of UC Santa Barbara passed away peacefully at 10:10 PM on 19 October at the Santa Monica Cottage Hospital. Xudong had a strong fight with an aggressive type of brain cancer since last December. It is a tremendous loss to his family, UCSB, and the mathematics community at his young age of 45. He is survived by his wife Shirley and son Evan.
If you would like to send your condolence messages to Shirley and Evan, please contact Shirley by email at [email protected] or cell phone 201-966-9565. (She may not be able to read your messages timely at this time.)
The funeral and burial service will be on Tuesday October 25 at 1-3 PM in Santa Barbara.
According to the family tradition, Xudong's religious inclination, and family's wish, the service will be in Buddhist form. If you need information on the service, please contact with me.
Best regards,
Chi-Tien Lin
Department of Applied Mathematics,
Providence University
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +886-4-2632-8001 ext 15166