送交者: xj 于 2005-11-22, 14:28:07:
回答: "Preliminary"是否意味着2003年的15个病历包含了1998的14个? 由 Yush 于 2005-11-22, 14:14:26:
the paper was in fact published in 2003, J of Urology.
>>>>a clinical trial was started in 1995. We report results in the first 15 patients with SCI.
One possibility is that the paper has undergone substantial revision, the process may take three or four years if unlucky.
In 1989 we began studying the skin-central nervous system (CNS)-bladder reflex pathway as a means of restoring controllable micturition after SCI. The assumption underlying this study is that the motor axons of a somatic reflex arc may be able to regenerate into autonomic preganglionic nerves, thus, reinnervating bladder parasympathetic ganglion cells and, thereby, transferring somatic reflex activity to bladder smooth muscle. This reflex pathway, which is basically a somatic reflex arc with a modified efferent branch that transfers somatic motor impulses to the bladder, has been designed to allow patients with SCI to initiate voiding by scratching the skin. After successful experiments in animals 3,4 a clinical trial was started in 1995. We report results in the first 15 patients with SCI.