送交者: psycho 于 2005-11-29, 11:56:12:
"我认为除了那些虐待动物的人外,包括她自己在内的目下中国的这一批极端环保人士和伪环保人士也脱不了干系。", it seems they just use everything happennign everyday just to attackt he target, even a person's death.
She chose the profession herself (not a wise one though, but nothing deal with other people), and her ability to bear what her saw is determined beforehand by the nature (you can barely change it, like I don't think eating dog is wrong as long as the dog is not kidnapped from others--rational analysis, but I still think eating dog is disgusting, and I will faint at the sight of blood--low ability to bear violent scene). Her friends, who has the same inclination as her, shouldn't be guilty for failing to 帮助她排解心理压力--that's a job for psychoanalysis, not common people.
Attacking someone famous for being irrational with every mean, fair or foul, is not something call "rational". Proving your enemy irrational doesn't automatically grant your own rationality.