送交者: pococurante 于 2005-12-02, 12:34:32:
回答: a man killed a person with a knife 由 AI 于 2005-12-02, 09:25:12:
You might not understand that: a knife is less subject to be abused, the proper comparision is gun without security measure (e.g. can easy fire without doing extra steps). When you invented something vulnerable to abuse, you need to be very cautious. At least, you need to warn the people who USE it, not warn the victims. In all cases, if possible, we should add additional security measure on the gun.
Come back to the example, the propose of my parody is to make clear that even though the term is not invented as a discriminative one, but if it is easy to abuse it, it became a discriminative one. As long as normal people interprets it as an insult to people outside the orignal objects, it should stop to be used--this is regardless of its origin.