送交者: Yush 于 2005-12-10, 15:28:13:
回答: 读了以下帖子及跟贴,我明白了某些小留学生们为什么会被称为“垃圾” 由 Yush 于 2005-12-10, 15:27:09:
Security upgrade for bar
Co-owner vows to add guards, video
Tears flow for slain students
Pals erect makeshift shrine at Chinatown karaoke bar
……At least one of the owners, he said, witnessed the shooting and has since been at home unwilling to speak about it.
Couple stunned by murders
……Nepean residents 'like family' to one of two Chinese students gunned down at karaoke bar
TWO CHINESE students shot to death at a karaoke bar Tuesday had no relatives in Ottawa, but news of their deaths came as a shock to one Nepean couple who was like family to one of the young men for a short time last year.
While he was driving a 1980s model Toyota Camry at the time, he said Tian seemed to have all the latest in hi-tech gadgetry, including a fancy laptop computer, cellphone and camera equipment.
Towards the end of his stay, Willis said Tian would often come in late after drinking with friends and disappointed the couple when he gave a mere one day's notice that he was moving out. Willis said Tian would sometimes have friends over and that he had a girlfriend with whom he had come to Canada.
……While there were many people packed into the popular tea house at the time of the shooting, investigators were having difficulty finding anyone willing to talk -- and those who would talk were difficult to understand because of the language barrier