送交者: BerkeleyBear 于 2005-12-15, 14:13:03:
回答: This 规范 is very very trival and minor. 由 BerkeleyWolf 于 2005-12-15, 01:37:25:
Zhang Chuhan is a member of Academy of Science in China, and he knows 规范 as well as you guys. However, that is his personal way of publishing his work. By the way, Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering is a top journal in this area, not a wild-chicken journal like Nature&Science.
However, I believe the case is restricted only to FULL names. If it is abbreviated to Z. Chuhan, it will definitely be pointed out by reading the proof, and the mistake can never happen in a serious journal. Maybe L. Dengyi haven't seen his proof yet. hehe.