送交者: skipper3 于 2006-1-11, 11:37:13:
回答: “经济基础决定上层建筑,上层建筑反作用于经济基础”。 由 Latino2 于 2006-1-11, 10:54:33:
Apparently you all confuse diversity with chaos.
Diversity starts from core value, a set of generally accepted social bonding norms and belief. Without core social value there is only chaos not diversity. Warrior State Period is chaos. SO is warlord period. From long term historical and cultural perspective, there is probably not much difference between chaos and diversity because they both produce a similar outcome. But short term effects of diversity and chaos, especially social and economic ones are obviously very different. Short term effects are all what matter when you guys talk about things you wish to have before you die.