送交者: eltee 于 2005-2-03, 14:42:07:
Dear Dept. Chair,
>You should know that you have a rude and possibly unstable student who
>sent the email below.
>I never received any email from him before. I did receive an email from
>Prof. Li Shu-Min regarding a visiting professorship on Jan 14, but this
>is "a student".
>Eric Heller
>Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Phys USTC"
>> Date: January 30, 2005 10:28:32 AM CET
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: phys_ustc
>> Professor Eric Heller:
>> You are so supercilious! I am very angery that you neglect my several
>> important emails.
>> I am a student from Dept. of Phys., USTC, and I have been keeping
>> contact with several famous professors. Unlike you, they always gave me
>lots of important advises.However, when I email you for my
>> application, you never payed any attention.
>> We, USTC students, are very excellant in the field of physics and
>> mathematics.We have also several faculties who did the most advanced
>research in physics.(E.g. Pan Jianwei.)
>> You should know, harvard is not always the best. Even our University,
>> UTSC, have done better in several fields. For me,I would prefer
>Princeton or Berkeley even if I get your offer.
>> Don not be so supercilious any longer.In my opinion,harvard physics
>> is just so so.
>> ????!
>> A student
>> Dept. of Phys.
>> Univ. of Sci. & Tech.of China