送交者: Dominatus 于 2005-2-07, 01:56:11:
回答: 谁知道牛顿是怎么解释“牛顿环”现象的? 由 wasguru 于 2005-2-06, 05:34:20:
...if memory serves, he explained the rings using "aether wave". Kind of ironic. Anyway he said that light ray is corpuscular, but modulated by dense and dilute regions in the aether caused by "displacement of aether" by other mediums. He did state clearly that the rings can be explained by both wave and particle theories, but he went for the particle theory because he didn't think waves could explain sharp image formation and straight-line propagation. He also believed in aether so strongly that he said if there were one thing he must assume to be true, that would be it. (And yet later more careful experiments, such as those by Young, showed that light does make fussy images and goes around corners, effectively killing Newton's particle theory).
Of course, we know today from QED that Newton was right that light is corpuscular, but not for the right reasons. Straight line propagation of light is far from simple particles going in a straight line or wave propagation, but a result of summing the probability amplititudes from any and all paths a photon can take. (You can do things to the path of light to trick it to go to unexpected places, which couldn't be explained by either simple particle or wave theory.) The wave properties of light is also a direct result of this summation. So even though the wave theory can correctly *describe* many phenomena, the particle picture of QED is a more fundamental *explanation*, so to speak.