送交者: heru1 于 2005-1-05, 17:49:23:
发信人: aus (aus), 信区: PKU
标 题: 英国Times新排名:Beijing University 工科世界第十名!
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Wed Jan 5 16:43:56 2005) WWW-POST
至此,Beijing University在TIMES的排名中综合排名第17,理科第11,
工科第10。热烈祝贺Beijing University创建世界一流大学的任务胜利
World's top 100 in engineering and IT
1 University of California, Berkeley US
2 Massachusetts Inst of Tech US
3 Stanford University US
4 Indian Institutes of Technology India
5 Imperial College London UK
6 California Institute of Technology US
7 Tokyo University Japan
8 Cambridge University UK
9 National University of Singapore Singapore
10 Beijing University China
11 Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan
12 Oxford University UK
13 Harvard University US
14 Carnegie Mellon University US
15 Tsing Hua University China
16 ETH Zurich Switzerland
17 Georgia Institute of Technology US
18 Monash University Australia
19 Ecole Polytechnique France
20 Hong Kong Uni of Sci and Tech Hong Kong