送交者: boxer 于 2005-3-09, 13:35:11:
回答: 例子:看着花一瓣一瓣地飘落,偶的心也一天一天地沉重起来 由 xj 于 2005-3-09, 13:04:05:
How do you think about 李清照? Kind of disgusting?
How do you think about "Jame Joyce" and "John Updike"?
I mean some writer can use fancy and complex sentences to express certain feelings, which I would rather to call style.
I liked the film "Leaving Las Vegas"(I don't know whether I like it now or not). It is depressing and makes you feel desperate. However, we do have "七情六欲" instead of "一心一意". I do think "王安忆" is quite good.