i hope one day chinese can separate fact from view


送交者: kma 于 2010-06-10, 22:14:27:

回答: Eddie,《天安门对峙》序幕第二页第三段最后两行,“上千的--- 由 潜伏九号 于 2010-06-10, 21:44:51:

when taking about history. no longer like hu shi said "history is like a little girl, decorate her the way one likes."

every adult has own view and is difficult to change, no big deal. but fact is fact, fact is unique, is precious.

now about 6.4, obviously we all have all kinds of views, but most of us know quite few facts. hoepfully this book cna present more facts, as for what the author thinks about 6.4, it's really 2ndary.

and i agree with you on questioning his saying on death number. most likely the author is just one of the vast number of students in BJ that time, little chance he could know or gvie good estimation on how many killed, and i don't think he cna access highly confidential files of ccp.

what i prefer is writing like this way:

at that time, when all kinds of rumors and dangers surround me, no way i cna say how many really died. but here's what i cna tell you, what i saw and what i heard.

and if the author likes, he can give his estiamtion on death number, but better with good evidence and reasoning.



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