Dangerous Toxic Gardasil: Trail of Deception
(Dec 8, 2010) – While the number of deaths and serious adverse events reported due to Merck's controversial Gardasil vaccine continues to grow alarmingly, the true number of people who have been killed or injured by the deadly vaccine is likely far higher.
The truth about Gardasil has been deliberately hidden through a trail of deception, cover-ups, ignorance and under-reporting that dates back to the very inception of the vaccine.
The first key deception occurred during Gardasil trials. Instead of using a saline solution as the placebo, Merck used the vaccine's carrier agent minus only the HPV virus components. In addition to sodium chloride and water normally found in a saline solution placebo, the placebo Merck chose also contained dangerous aluminum along with polysorbate 80 and sodium borate.
Although polysorbate 80 is used as a food additive to increase the water solubility of flavoring oils, injection is quite different. According to the polysorbate 80 Material Safety Data Sheet, it may be carcinogenic as well as mutagenic.