Peter Molan MBE
Role: Professor
Qualifications: BSc (Hons) Wales. PhD Liv.
[email protected] Recent Publications in Biochemistry:
Molan P C. 2009. Debridement of wounds with honey. Journal of Wound Technology 5, pp12-17.
Cooper R, Molan P, White R.(eds) 2009. Honey in Modern Wound Management. Wounds UK Publishing, Aberdeen, pp 1-201.
Molan P. 2009. Honey: antimicrobial actions and role in disease management. Chapter 9: New strategies combating bacterial infection, pp 229-253.
Molan P. 2009. Why honey works. Honey in Modern Wound Management. Wounds UK Publishing, Aberdeen, pp 7-20. (book chapter)
Molan P, Hill C. 2009. Quality standards for medical grade honey. Honey in Modern Wound Management. Wounds UK Publishing, Aberdeen, pp 63-79.
Jul,l A., Walker, N., Parag, V., Molan, P. and Rodgers, A. 2008. Randomized clinical trial of honey-impregnated dressings for venous leg ulcers. British Journal of Surgery 95, pp 175-182.
Lin, S. M., Molan, P. C., Cursons, R. T. 2008. The in vitro susceptibility of Campylobacter spp. to the antibacterial effect of manuka honey. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (in print). Available online from 26 September
Molan, P. C., Betts J A. 2008. Using honey to heal diabetic foot ulcers. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, Vol 21, No 7, pp 313-316.
Simon, A., Traynor, K., Santos, K., Blaser, G., Bode, U., Molan, P. 2008. Medical honey for wound care – stil the ‘Latest Resort’? Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (in press). Published online 7 January.
Molan, P. C. (In press). "Re-introducing honey in the management of wounds and ulcers – theory and practice." Ostomy/Wound Management.
Molan, P. C. (In press). "The potential of honey to promote oral wellness." General Dentistry.
Molan, Peter. 2005. Recipe for success. Public Service Review: Health, issue 5, pp 52 and 54.
French V M, Cooper R A and Molan P C. 2005. The antibacterial activity of honey against coagulase-negative staphylococci. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotheraphy 56, pp 228-231.
Molan, Peter. 2005. Honey as a Therapy. New Zealand Medical Association 8th Annual Conference, Taupo, 17-19 June.
English, Helen K. P., Pack, Angela R. C., Molan, Peter C. 2004. The effects of Manuka Honey on Plaque and Gingivitis: A Pilot Study. Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology 6/2, 63-67.
Molan, P.C. 2002. Not all honeys are the same for wound healing. European Tissue Repair Society Bulletin, 9: 1, 5-6.
Molan, P.C. 2001. "Honey as a topical antibacterial agent for treatment of infected wounds". World Wide Wounds Molan/honey-as-topical-agent.html.
Cooper, R. A., Molan, P.C., Krishnamoorthy, L., & Harding, K. G. 2001. "The use of honey in healing a recalcitrant wound following surgical treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa." European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 20, 758-759.
Krzyzosiak, J., Molan, P.C., McGowan, L., & Vishwanath, R. 2001. "Effect of sperm number and oxygenation state of the storage media on in vitro fertility of bovine sperm stored at ambient temperature". Theriogenology 55, 1401-1415.
Tonks, A., Cooper, R. A, Price, A. J., Molan, P.C., & Jones, K. P. 2001. "Stimulation of TNF-a release in monocytes by honey." Cytokine, 14 (4), 240-242.
Molan, P.C. 2001. "Why honey is effective as a medicine. 2. The scientific explanation of its effects." Bee World 82 (1), 22-40.
Molan, P.C. 2001. "Potential of honey for the treatment of wounds and burns." American Journal of Clinical Dermatology 2 (1) 13-19. [re-printed, with some changes, also as: "honey for the treatment of wounds and burns." new ethicals 4 (7) 13-23; and as "treatment of wounds and burns with honey." current therapeutics 42 (9), 33-39].
Krzyzosiak, J., Evenson, D., Pitt, C. Jost, L., Molan, P., & Vishwanath, R. 2001. "Changes in susceptibility of bovine sperm to in situ DNA denaturation during prolonged storage at ambient temperature under conditions of exposure to reactive oxygen species and nuclease inhibitor." Reproduction, Fertility and Development 12, 1-11.
Prosser C.G., Turner S.A., McLaren, R.D., Langley B., L’Huillier P.J., Molan P., & Auldist, M.J. 2000. "Milk whey protein concentration and mRNA associated with beta-lactoglobulin phenotype." Journal of Dairy Research 67 (2), 287-293.
Dunford, C., Cooper, R.A, White, R.J., & Molan, P.C. 2000. "The use of honey in wound management" Nursing Standard 15 (11), 63-68.
Molan, P.C., & Betts, J. A. 2000. "Using honey as a wound dressing: some practical considerations." Nursing Times 96 (49), 36-37.
Molan, P. C. 2000 "Selection of honey for use as a wound dressing." Primary Intention (The Australian Journal of Wound Management) 8 (3), 87-92.
Dunford, C., Cooper, R.A., & Molan, P.C. 2000. "Using honey as a dressing for infected skin lesions." Nursing Times NTplus 96 (14), 7-9.
Krzyzosiak, J., McMillan, G., Molan, P., & Vishwanath, R. 2000. "Protein tyrosine phosphorylation during prolonged in vitro incubation of ejaculated bovine spermatozoa is regulated by the oxidative state of the medium." Biology of Reproduction 62 (6), 1615-1623.
Krzyzosiak, J., Molan, P., Vishwanath, R. 2000. Measurements of bovine sperm velocities under true anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Animal Reproduction Science 55, 163-173.
Molan, P.C. (1999) "Why honey is effective as a medicine. 1. Its use in modern medicine." Bee World 80 (2) 80- 92.
Molan, P.C. 1999. "The role of honey in the management of wounds." Journal of Wound Care 8 (8), 423-426.
Cooper, R. A., Molan, P.C. & Harding, K. G. 1999. "Antibacterial activity of honey against strains of Staphylococcus aureus from infected wounds." Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 92, 283-285.
Cooper, R. A. & Molan, P.C. 1999. "The use of honey as an antiseptic in managing Pseudomonas infection." Journal of Wound Care 8 (4), 161-164.
Allen, K.L. and Molan, P.C. 1997. The sensitivity of mastitis causing bacteria to the antibacterial activity of honey. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 40: 537-540.