i am not a high hand


送交者: qtl 于 2005-2-16, 10:57:20:

回答: 请教数学高手 由 dt 于 2005-2-15, 17:10:33:

but i know some good books.

P. A. R. Moran - an introduction to probability theory

there is also a 'Introduction to Probability' by C. M. Grinstead which is free on the web.

S. R. Searle - Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics

S. R. Searle, G. Casella, & C. E. McCulloch - Variance Component

You many also need Numerical Recipe series to write your own programs.

Above are really a bit abstruse for many people.

If you are just dealing some practical data, the list can be totally different. since nowadays many software package are designed very well. ordinary people are really freed from tedious and error prone programming. What you may want to know are just what effects you are dealing with and what model to fit. Of course, you should also prepare your data well. there are already some books that teaches this way. i feel it quite good. e.g. Modern Statistics for the Life of Science by Alan Grafen & Rosie Hails University of Oxford



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