送交者: wpwpwp 于 2005-12-28, 12:22:00:
陈建二(Jianer Chen)现为Professor,Dept. of Computer Science ,Texas A&M University , College Station
Texas 77843-3112, USA
Phone: (979) 845-4259
Fax : (979) 847-8578
Email: [email protected]
在他的cv http://faculty.cs.tamu.edu/chen/ 上并没有提他的第二职业---
“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授 see http://www.edu.cn/20030226/3078358.shtml
按照教育部合同,他上岗时间每年不少于九个月 --- see http://www.edu.cn/20030226/3078301.shtml
他今年续娉。 哪位大侠电话打听一下陈建二教授是不是还在Texas A&M
上班? Phone (979) 845-5534
又,他过去七年和未来两年不间断承担NSF grant (按美国国家自然科学基金的
规定,grant是奖励给学校而不是个人), 他是不是向美国国家自然科学基金
转载 http://info.epjob88.com/html/2005-4-28/2005428180726.htm
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转自:校报 时间:2005年4月28日18:7
转载 CV http://faculty.cs.tamu.edu/chen/
Ph.D. Mathematics, Columbia University, 1990
Ph.D. Computer Science, Courant Institute, New York University, 1987
Professor, Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 2002-present;
Associate Professor, Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 1996-2002;
Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 1990-1996;
E.D. Brockett Professorship Award, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2005;
Eugene E. Webb'43 Faculty Fellow, College of Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2003;
Graduate Teaching Excellence Awards, Dept. Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 2002, 2003, 2005;
AFS Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award (college level), Texas A&M University, 1998;
Amoco Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University, 1998;
TEES Select Young Faculty Award, Texas A&M University, 1993;
Research Initiation Award, The National Science Foundation, 1991;
Janet Fabri Award, for the Best Ph.D. Dissertation, New York University, 1988;
First Place, in Province-Wide Mathematics Competition, Hunan, P.R. China, 1980;
Algorithms and Complexity
Computer Graphics
Computer Networks
Computational Upper and Lower Bounds via Parameterized Complexity, NSF, 2004-2007
Exact Computational Biology Algorithms with Small Parameters, NSF, 2003-2006.
Parameterized Computation and Applications, NSF, 2000--2003.
Computational Optimization in Collaboration with Mexican Researchers, NSF, 1997--2000.
Applications of Topology to Algorithm Design, Research Initiation Awards, NSF, 1991--1994.
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2004.
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Parameterized Computation and Complexity, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2003.
Program Committee Member, The 32nd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretical Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2006).
program Committee Member, The 2nd International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Inxxxxation and Management (AAIM 2006).
Program Committee Member, The 16th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2005).
Program Committee Member, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Algorithms and Architecture for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP'2005).
Steering Committee Member, The International Workshop on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IWPEC), 2003 to present
Ph. D. Graduates: 10
M.S. Graduates: 17
Current Ph.D. Students: 3
Current M.S. Students: 0
Journal Publications: 51
Refereed Conference Publications: 72
Book Chapters: 10
Computational Complexity and Optimization
"Tight lower bounds for certain parameterized NP-hard problems," Inxxxxation and Computation 201, pp. 216-231, 2005 (with B. Chor, M. Fellows, X. Huang, D. Juedes, I. Kanj, and G. Xia).
"Linear FPT reductions and computational lower bounds," Proc. 36th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2004), pp. 212-221, 2004 (with X. Huang, I. A. Kanj, and G. Xia).
"Using nondeterminism to design efficient deterministic algorithms," Algorithmica 40, pp. 83-97, 2004 (with D. Friesen, W. Jia, and I. Kanj).
"A polynomial time approximation scheme for general multiprocessor job scheduling," SIAM Journal on Computing 31, pp. 1-17, 2001 (preliminary version appeared in Proc. 31st STOC, pp. 418-427, 1999) (with A. Miranda).
"Tight bound on Johnson's algorithm for MAXSAT," Journal of Computer and System Sciences 58, pp. 622-640, 1999 (with D. Friesen and H. Zheng).
"The maximum partition matching problem with applications," SIAM Journal on Computing 28, pp. 935-954, 1999 (with C. C. Chen).
"Circuit Bottom Fan-in and Computational Power," SIAM Journal on Computing 27, pp. 341-355, 1998 (with L. Cai and J. Hastad).
Graph Theory and Algorithms
"On approximating minimum vertex cover for graphs with perfect matching," Theoretical Computer Science 337, pp. 305-318, 2005 (with I. Kanj).
"Parameterized duality and kernelization: lower bounds and upper bounds on kernel size," Proc. 22nd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects on Computer Science (STACS 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3404, pp. 269-280, 2005. (with H. Fernau, I. Kanj, and G. Xia).
"Genus charactterizes the complexity of graph problems: some tight results," Proc. 30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2719, pp. 845-856, 2003. (with I. Kanj, L. Perkovic, E. Sedgwick, and G. Xia).
"Constrained minimum vertex cover in bipartite graphs: complexity and parameterized algorithms," Journal of Computer and System Sciences 67, pp. 833-847, 2003 (with I. Kanj).
"On strong Menger-connectivity of star graphs," Discrete Applied Mathematics 129, pp. 499-511, 2003 (with E. Oh).
"Vertex cover: further observations and further improvements," Journal of Algorithms 41, pp. 280-301, 2001 (with I. Kanj and W. Jia).
Computer Graphics
"Regular meshes," Proc. of the 2005 ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM 2005), pp. 213-219, 2005
"A minimal and complete set of operators for the development of robust manifold mesh modelers," Graphical Models 65, pp. 286-304, 2003 (with E. Akleman and V. Srinivasan).
"A prototype system for robust, interactive, and user-friendly modeling of orientable 2-manifold meshes," Proc. of International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SM'02), pp. 43-50, 2002 (with E. Akleman and V. Srinivasan).
"A new corner cutting scheme with tension and handle-face reconstruction," The International Journal of Shape Modeling 7, pp. 111-128, 2001 (with E. Akleman, F. Eryoldas, and V. Srinivasan).
"A new paradigm for changing topology of 2-manifold polygonal meshes," Proc. Pacific Graphics'2000, pp. 192-201, 2000 (with E. Akleman and V. Srinivasan).
"Guaranteeing the 2-manifold property for meshes with doubly linked face list," The International Journal of Shape Modeling 5, pp. 159-177, 2000 (with E. Akleman).
Parallel Processing and Networking
"PFED: a prediction-based fair active queue management algorithm," Proc. 2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-05), pp. 485-491, 2005 (with W. Gao, J. Wang, and S. Chen).
"The cost of becoming anonymous: on the participant payload in Crowds," Inxxxxation Processing Letters 90, pp. 81-86, 2004 (with H. Sui, J. Wang, and S. Chen).
"On the construction of most reliable networks," Discrete Applied Mathematics 140, pp. 19-33, 2004 (with H. Deng, Q. Li, R. Li, and Q. Gao).
"A note on practical construction of maximum bandwidth paths," Inxxxxation Processing Letters 83, pp. 175-180, 2002 (with N. Malpani).
"Locally subcube-connected hypercube networks: theoretical analysis and experimental results," The IEEE Transactions on Computers 51, pp. 530-540, 2002 (with G. Wang and S. Chen).
"Optimal Parallel Routing in Star Networks," The IEEE Transactions on Computers 46, pp. 1293-1303, 1997 (with C. C. Chen).
Publication Details
Publications in Theoretical Computer Science by DBLP
Publications in Graph Theory by Graph Theory White Pages
Journal Publications in Both by MathSciNet
A Comprehensive Publication List