Ëͽ»Õß: steven ÓÚ 2006-3-03, 17:38:02:
»Ø´ð: ԬΰʱÐÂ×÷:ÖйúÀúÊ·½Ì¿ÆÊé·ç²¨ÓÇ˼ ÓÉ Ñ×Ñô ÓÚ 2006-3-03, 15:45:06:
anti-civilization and anti-humanity. In a sense, boxers's act were very similar to witch-hunt in the Western. In fact, only part of the China including Tianjing, Beijing, Shandong and Shanxie had the biggest crowd of boxers. Southern provinces were not involved. Partly because the governers in those provinces put pressure on boxers, partly because the fuel for the boxer upriasing were not presents.
In the Western history, there had been many cases that large scale witch-hunt murdered and tourtured, there were about 40,000 to 60,000 mostly women wrongfully accused as witches and brutally executed. Historians also found that the Peak of Witchhunt always came after natural dissasters like drough. Sociologists believe that people want to search for answers and the sense of security, and blaming others for their own misforturn. Witchhunt is a result of this, for societies heavily relied on agritculture, weather changes seriously impacted the lifes of people, and yet there was nothing they could do to change that. To shift the blame, to find answers and the sense of being in-control, people hunted witches who brought the misforturn, and angried gods.
The same thing happened to boxers. In the boxers posted, it actually listed the drough was happening, and they believed that was caused by churchs and Christians. With the encoruagement from conservative officials and the court, boxers raised and against the every western things.
Western missionaries (those came with gunships, as many Chinese history books protraited) had been in China more than 50 years, in the Southern part of China, there were more churches and westernes, there were more conflicts between Christians converts and non-Christians. However, there had not been any upriasing or anti-Chiristian movements like boxers. In fact, not long before 1900, Tiping Rebellion was based on Christianity and gained vast support in the South.
In other world, Boxers Roit wasn't really like the story being told by the Chinese history books. Large part of Chinese were not involved, and most people died for the very same reason as those being executed in witchhunt in the West.