送交者: steven 于 2005-6-24, 16:55:37:
回答: 高手啊 由 吴礼 于 2005-6-24, 14:58:36:
to set them up. Usually, there are policies for that, and in many schools in the old day, policies were not observed.
However, users cannot in general bring down the machine and crack the system, even orderinary users relex their own protections. This however isn't true for windows, since the typical window users are the admin. Many holes in today windows, are actually more or less user faults, since the isolation of the common users and system users are not done properly.
Kerberos is still being used, even window has it, in coperate LAN, kerberos is the default auth system for windows 2000, server 2003 and XP. It was developed by MIT athena project in 83. Kerberos doesn't immute from Torjian horse, but it can keep unathurized systems reaching protected network.
Again, most of the windows attacks are against novice users. There are trusted systems, like trusted Solaris, which is very hard to crack. However it takes experts to manage sytems like this. Since 1995, there is no known attack that works on trusted solaris.