送交者: 吴礼 于 2005-6-24, 14:58:36:
回答: this is not true, at least, it is not the whole truth. 由 steven 于 2005-6-24, 13:37:46:
I am not a computer expert. So I don't really know the history. Werethe systems you memtioned, Kerberos and Multics, meant to be main stream systems? (I know you mentioned that UNIX was evolved from Multics.)
Also, when I used Unix many decades ago, I was under the impression that it was a pretty open system, although it was very robus and the users cannot bring teh whole system down. The default setting was that the users can see each others files (without writing rights). I remember some classmates wrote small scripts on the public terminals, to fool others to think it's a system log in window and reveal their passwords. I also remember reading a fiction "The Cookoo's Nest" or something like that, which was one of the first books on computer security. It talked about attacks to UNIX systems from the Internet.
Windows, on the other hand, was first developped as a single-user system. So by definition there is no attacks to the system. Later it was networked and security problem arises. Is this true?