送交者: steven 于 2005-6-24, 13:37:46:
回答: It's more fundamental 由 吴礼 于 2005-6-24, 10:29:48:
Kerberos which was launched around 83, was to guard the network from unauthorized users. Security was not mean to prevent unintentional damagees, it was to fend of attack in the very beginning. Multics, started in 1964, was designed with security emphasis. Multics also coined the term tiger team in computer world, which a subset of the tiger teams were crackers trying to attack the system through network, and the rest were to defend the system. That was in the early 70. Unix, the successor of it inherited the same spirit, and that is why it is a lot harder to crack a Unix system. Windows on the other hand, didn't have any of these to begin with. Although popularity is one reason for most attacks aiming at windows, the other reason is that attacking windows requirs last skill comparing attacking Unix or other systems design with security in mind.