送交者: steven 于 2006-1-17, 01:42:53:
回答: Have you read the link you provided? 由 阿闲 于 2006-1-16, 23:31:38:
I said in my previous post that Chancellor is like the chairperson of the board of director. They participate in day-to-day executive, and yet they do get report from the president of the university. I also pointed out there are Chinese officials with chinese title of "大学校长”and they don't perform duties equivlent to the president of a universities in british system either, in fact, they don't even perform the role of a chancellor. so what do you call that? I don't know what the offical translation of Chancellor. But the point I have been trying to make is that Chancellor is not a honorarium title, like Honorarium doctor degree or something similar. An honorarium doctor do not represent anything, but the Chancellor does represent a University, particularly in fund raising and things like that.