送交者: 阿闲 于 2006-1-16, 23:31:38:
回答: For many years, many Chinese universities listed some high ranking 由 steven 于 2006-1-16, 23:09:29:
The org chart (http://www.utoronto.ca/govcncl/tgc/2.02.03.pdf) shows that David Naylor is in both Governing Council and Executive Committee while Ms Poy is only in the non-executive Committee for Honorary Degrees.
It is made clear in many places that the Chancellor is a senior voluteer position elected by alumni. They may be similar to the Chinese government officials as you mentioned only in the point of view that "they never actually set foot on those universities". But, in terms of duty and power, they are not comparable at all.
What is the role of the Chancellor?
The Chancellor holds the most senior non-executive position in the University and is elected by the alumni. The duties of the Chancellor include presiding over all convocations, chairing the Committee on Honorary Degrees, representing the University at public functions and working closely with the President of the University and the Chairman of Governing Council.