送交者: mangolasi 于 2005-3-22, 19:11:29:
回答: Yes. We are talking a small project not national 由 skipper3 于 2005-3-22, 18:46:48:
1.9% rate for long-term debt is not worthy (suppose you are in US). Concensus is that the rate is going to rise given large deficit. Better to secure a fixed rate (much higher) than taking floating rate.
Interest rate is very complicated. But roughly speaking, this period you have floating rate i_1, and expect to have floating rate i_2 period, the fixed rate is ( (1+i_1)(1+i_2))^.5-1, call this i_3. Then you will find that if i_3 is far larger than i_1 (I don't believe the long term rate in US is 1.9%--for consumer!), this means i_2 is larger than i_1, with larger magtitude than the (i_3-i_1).