送交者: skipper3 于 2005-3-22, 18:12:16:
回答: skipper3你的帐又算错了。 由 Enlighten 于 2005-3-22, 17:50:49:
becasue of inflation. And I said big cities like SH will may be more affected by rise of inflation becasue economic activities are more intensive over there, say national inflation is 50%, the inflation in SH may be 70% hence your rental income will rise by 70%.
BTW interest rate can be lower than inflation that's a fact. And the magnitude of rise in rate is often smaller the magnitude of rise in inflation.
Whether you lock you rate or not DOESN'T matter. A locked rate is simply flexible rate + rate insurance (therefore the cost of long term debt is higher tahn short term debt). The cost of insurance is calculated by bank. If banks think the rate will go high they will charge you more on such insurance. You can always get such an insurance by yourself by buying an option in the bond market for example.